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About Merlin

Merlin Security Services BV (hereinafter: Merlin) has been distributing and maintaining all kinds of money testers since 1996 and training user groups.

Clients and references
Merlin has clients in all sectors and businesses where work is done with cash. Whether it's money counting, checking, packing, exchanging; Merlin is your partner. Companies that may be affected by identity fraud (virtually anyone who accepts people) will find Merlin's technical knowledge and equipment to address this issue extremely helpful.

Since 2013, in addition to distribution and sales, a new path has been taken by designing payment solutions ourselves and also producing these products in-house. Custom products that often arise from regular contact with our customer or the user. In our office in Breukelen, all the necessary disciplines can now be found under one roof: (3D) engineering, product design and design, software development, system integration and even assembly!

If you wish, we can provide you with references and contacts of companies we deal with.

I hope this short piece gives you an impression of Merlin and congratulates you on your visit to our site. I would like to inform you further at our showroom or by telephone

Yours sincerely,

Ron van Veenendaal,

Merlin Technology


Info & Route

Merlin Security Services bv
De Corridor 9, 3621 ZA Breukelen
The Netherlands

T Sales +31 (0)346 26 54 24
T Support: +31 (0)88 6 288 288

IBAN : NL51INGB0008274172

VAT nr.: NL820663992B01
Chamber of commerce: 30259118


De Corridor 9
NL-3621 ZA Breukelen
The Netherlands


Good to Know

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